January 24, 2025

Twin Cities folks! Join me at Next Chapter Booksellers, the evening of February 25th, to celebrate the publication of my debut collection of poetry.

A graphic including images of your humble author, the book cover, and host Claire Wahmanholm, with a number of salient details, including the date and time of the event, which is 6pm on February 25th at Next Chapter Booksellers

Local poet Claire Wahmanholm will be there to talk with me about my book and the process that led to its composition, and we will read bits of it out loud.

Details here.

There will also be an online launch, but I am waiting to finalize the date before announcing anything. One thing I can say, though: it will happen early afternoon CST, so Europe can tune in after dinner, and Aotearoa/NZ & Hawaii can tune in over breakfast.

events Vessels

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Book Launches There will be two book launches for Vessels: one online and one in St Paul. Both in February. More details soon
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Book Launch Can’t make it to my book launch at Next Chapter? No problem! Tune in to my online book launch instead! We’ve had to postpone it a bit. It’s now