
Finished in April


Finished in November


Finished in November


Finished in October


Finished: Week of 3 Feb


Wahmanholm: Absolutely unerring choices. Always surprising and inevitable. Lucid nightmares. And much the same could be said for the other volumes I read last spring.

“Finished” for the Fall


I’ve been reassessing my “Finished” program, and I think it’s time to make a few changes.

First, I’ve long been aware that I tend to re-read books in the fall more than I read new books, so I am anticipating a decrease in my willingness to tackle new work. I’ll still be reading some new/unfinished things, but not at the expense of re-reads.

Also, I feel as though I have achieved the root reason for doing this: my poetry TBR shelf is now just over a third of what it was at the end of 2018.

And instead of weekly updates, I’ll be going back to a monthly update, like I did in April. So this will be the last update until the end of September.

Finished: Week of 24 June


Nothing. I didn’t pick up a book of poetry except to move it out of the way as I reached for something else.

Finished: Week of 17 June


Finished: Week of 10 June


Finished: Week of 3 June


Finished: Week of 27 May


Another week in which I didn’t actually complete anything. I’ve been drifting through some poetry collections that are re-reads for me, but the bulk of my reading has been non-fiction and several novels.

Finished: Week of 20 May


Nothing. Between Anniversaries, which I just started last week, and pushing almost everything else aside to finally finish Through the Eye of a Needle, I have devoted very little time to reading poetry.

Finished: Week of 13 May


Limón: Before buying her book from the publisher’s booth at Wordplay last week, she was only a name to me.

There is a popular trend in the current era to strive for a very informal, conversational style. When done poorly, it’s insipid, self-indulgent, and therapeutic, like reading someone’s diary. I found her best poems to be all the more powerful precisely because of how deftly she employed a quotidian voice that at times almost verged on clumsy, only to tighten up into a musical clarity all the more surprising.

I did find the collection to be a bit uneven, but that’s not remarkable; I find most poetry collections uneven.

Finished: Week of 6 May


Despite a short trip to Florida and other distractions, I somehow managed to finish three short books this week.

Finished: Week of 29 April


This book is sort of a cheat: it’s a new edition of a book I’ve already read, gathering some new material I hadn’t seen before. I only read those sections, and browsed the rest; it definitely merits a cover-to-cover re-read.

Finished: Week of 25 Mar


Finished: Week of 18 Mar


Finished: Week of 11 Mar


This is the first week that I haven’t finished reading any book of poetry, and there are several reasons for this.

First was an influx of new books (and not just poetry) that I bought last week during Sixth Chamber’s last week of business, which swamped my TBR pile.

Second was two long nonfiction books I’m reading, both engrossing; one of which I’m sprinting through the last 100 pages. I’ve therefore been juggling the two to the exclusion of poetry.

Third was that I’m trying to finish several poems of my own which are still in draft, and I’ve been finding it hard to read poetry while also trying to write it. (This isn’t always true for me, but it has been recently, for whatever reason.)

Last was the death on Friday of WS Merwin, which meant any other reading was put on hold as I pulled my Merwin off the shelf to revisit his work.

Finished: Week of 4 Mar


Finished: Week of 25 Feb


The third week in a row with only one completed book.

Finished: Week of 18 Feb


Cid Corman perfectly captures the diaristic tone of Basho’s haibun. Informal dispatches from a roadtrip. I’ve read many translations of this work, but this was the first one that made me wish Wim Wenders would make a movie version of it.

Finished: Week of 11 Feb


Finished: Week of 4 Feb


Finished: Week of 28 Jan


Stӑnescu: He bears a strong resemblance to early Residencia-era Neruda — that wild, defiant surrealism that’s almost violently playful. (Pairs well with Andrei Codrescu who, of course, sees Stӑnescu as a profoundly important influence.)

Finished: Week of 21 Jan


Gregg: Mostly harmless. A few bright and surprising poems in an otherwise pedestrian collection. Minimalism is one thing, but not quite going far enough is another. Some poets benefit from seeing many of their poems together, others are better one isolated poem at a time. Linda Gregg, for me, seems to be among the latter.