Posts in: West Wing

Six Zoom Meetings Before Lunch

on self-care, timelessness, and boundaries I watched a few episodes of The West Wing recently. I joked that I was playing a West Wing drinking game. I would drink whenever: Josh has his backpack over one shoulder any reference to a musical “Just saying” “Jackass” Walk and Talk Donna asks Josh to explain something someone repeats verbatim what someone else just said And I would take a double drink for:

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“This guy’s walking down the street when he falls in a hole.”

The news of John Spencer’s death makes me very sad.

Ever since Bartlet walked out of the Oval, having signed over his presidential powers to the Speaker of the House, I have hardly watched the show because, to quote Sam, “they forgot to bring the funny.”

But for a few years there, that show was deeply important to me, out of all proportion for a television show. It was important to me the way the Daodejing is important to me, or Gravity’s Rainbow. And the role of Leo McGarry was pivotal to its importance. Leo was the basso continuo.

Raise a glass to his memory.