28: Two Rivers
29: Snowblind
27: Pitch Black
28: Two Rivers
Vote Early, Vote Often!
#I voted! And, hey! I took some extra stickers for my dead friends. The dirty secret about dead Democrats voting? They are, of course, wasted votes: the dead always write in their own candidates. Kennedy, Carter, FDR, sometimes even Andrew Jackson (awkward!)… This year, some of the more favored names were “Jed Bartlet,” “Eleanor Roosevelt,” and “Paul Wellstone.” A few others were looking for “Hillary Rodham” and just gave up when they couldn’t find her. Ah well, what can you do? There’s no reasoning with the dead.
Someone else, on their otherwise blank ballot, wrote: “I have found a truly marvellous solution to this electoral math, but the margin of this absentee ballot is too narrow to contain it.” The dead can be so fucking insufferable.
26: Chicago
27: Pitch Black
(Also pictured, a black and silver Zebra Sarasa.)
25: MN Yellow
26: Chicago
(Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago)
24: MN Red
25: MN Yellow
23: Two Rivers
24: MN Red
22–23: Two Rivers
21: Pitch Black
22: Two Rivers
(The previous succession is missing:
20 Pitch Black to 21 Pitch Black)
First and last afternoons.
1 July 2011 at 1:30pm:
30 March 2016 at 2:35pm:
19: Shenandoah (Oak)
20: Pitch Black
18: Snowblind
19: Shenandoah (Oak)
17: Shenandoah (Maple)
18: Snowblind
(Snowblind is only a day old, but I’ve already scuffed up the front cover, and bent the back cover. It is so much flimsier than the Shenandoahs!)